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**Product Alert:
The Public Works Construction Standards North Central Texas, Fifth Edition (2017), has been updated to the Amended Fifth Edition (2023). The Amended Fifth Edition updates the Standard Drawings, which previously dated to 2004. The Amended Fifth Edition retains the Standard Specifications developed for the Fifth Edition (2017). To purchase the Amended version, please visit that product page; to purchase the Fifth Edition without the 2023 Amendements, choose this product.**
Please Note:
- This document comes bound in a 3-ring binder.
- The intent of this document is to serve as a baseline set of construction standards for local governments to modify to fit the needs of their individual communities, ordinances, and design manuals.
- The Public Works Construction Standards North Central Texas is a copyrighted document and may not be photocopied, printed, or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part without the prior written approval of NCTCOG's Director of Environment & Development.
Produced in 2017.
NCTCOG sent a free digital copy of the Amended Fifth Edition (2023) to each email address on record as having purchased the Fifth Edition (2017). If you believe you purchased a Fifth Edition (2017) but did not receive the new Amended Fifth Edition, please email
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